The Team Diagnostic™ Approach to High Performing Teams
Today’s Organization is…
- A dynamic matrix of interconnected teams…
- …in all shapes and sizes…
- …that interact and depend on each other every day
The Assumptions are…
Team members know how to achieve business results by:
- Working with each other
- Working with other teams
Our Data Shows…
- Less than 10% of more than 200 teams rate themselves as “High Performing.”
- If 90% of any other asset were underperforming, wouldn’t it get some focus?
The Goal
High Performing and Sustainable Teams
The Question
What are the conditions necessary for High Performing Teams?
Team Diagnostic™ Model: Two Dimensions
Factors that support the team’s ability to be Productive.
Productivity Strengths
Factors that create an environment that supports the team’s productivity.
Positivity Strengths
Team Worlds